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Simon & Schuster/Aladdin M!X

Published August 26, 2014

ISBN 9781481402835

Recommended ages: 8-13




Chloe Turner has pretty much the BEST life. She gets to live in the super fancy Hotel St. Michele, New York City is her home town and her dad Mitchell Turner, concierge extraordinaire, is teaching her all the secrets of the business so she can follow in his footsteps. After helping him out with a particularly difficult kid client, Chloe is appointed the official junior concierge tending to the hotel’s smallest, though sometimes most demanding, guests.

Her new position comes with tons of perks like cupcake parties, backstage passes to concerts, and even private fittings with the hippest clothing designers. But Chloe hasn’t faced her toughest challenge yet. When three young royals, (including a real-life PRINCE!) come to stay, Chloe’s determined to prove once and for all just how good she is at her job. But the trip is a disaster, especially when the youngest disappears. Now it’s up to Chloe to save the day. Can she find the missing princess before it becomes international news?



At Your Service book cover



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Planning a trip to NYC?

If you've read At Your Service, you know that the book is a love letter to the city and you also know that Chloe & Co. explore ALL of it! You can visit the locations in the book using Chloe's map.

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Since you've read down this far, allow me to share some behind-the-scenes dish on At Your Service only the coolest website visitors will know. 



This book saved my sister's life. She was reading an early version and noticed a place where I'd made a mistake, so she got out of bed to find a pen. When she opened her bedroom door, she was shocked to find the living room was filled with smoke. She was in a log cabin in a very rural (as in: far, far from a fire station!) part of West Virginia and something sitting on top of the wood-burning stove had caught fire. She was able to get the fire out before it spread, but only because she caught it when she did. My new life motto: continue making lots of mistakes!  


The king in At Your Service is named after my dad. When I was a kid, my dad would always tell my sister and me that he was the missing Crown Prince of Lithuania. He used this as bait to try to convince us to have better table manners. He'd say, "When I'm called back to my castle, they're not going to allow you to attend our balls unless you learn to keep your elbows off the table and your napkin in your lap." It mostly worked (even though I still hide books under my napkin.) Sad was the day we realized that castle was all a big, fat, giant LIE! But I forgave my dad and when it came time to pick a name for the king, I knew just whose name to pick. I even gave him a promotion from prince to king. You're welcome, Dad. 


One of the ways Chloe gets to know her guests is through entries in a smash book (want your very own? Go to the homepage and click on the hedgehog. See what happens.) Except, when I was writing, I couldn't remember what those books were called. I knew there was a Judy Blume book from my childhood that featured them and I figured if I could find that, I could find the name I needed. When I was little and we didn't have the internet, we had to call the telephone operator with burning questions like this, but now there's Twitter. So I went there and I asked if anyone knew the name of the book and do you KNOW who answered me three seconds later? JUDY BLUME! JUDY BLUME HERSELF TWEETED THE ANSWER TO ME!!! And then I died and now I am writing this from the afterworld. Someone please see that my fish gets fed. 






Behind the scenes content

But wait...there's more! Click the hedgehog on the homepage for printables, quizzes, and more bonus content.

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